woensdag 2 juli 2008

Page plans sketch #11, 12 maand LO, vakantie

This is my take on sketch #11 from Page plans. It is the weddingpicture of my mom and dad.

And for a long time a wanted to make a layout of the "month-pictures" i took of Tim & Jeroen the first year. I now finally created it.

This weeken were off for two weeks camping in France, the Jura.
I'm more of a scandinavian girl mysef but I hope it will be good (this means mainly not to warm).

This was last year in Danmark, Ry.

3 opmerkingen:

M@risk@ zei

Prachtige layout met de sketch, mooi om zulke oude foto's te gebruiken en een mooie herinnering. Die van je jongens hun eerste jaar is zo leuk, grapping van iedere maand een foto.
Ik wens je samen met je gezin heel veel plezier in Frankrijk.

Jennifer Buck zei

Very pretty! LOVE them both! :)

Lesli zei

Wonderful job!